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Kohlohe 9'0"

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Kohlohe 9'0" - _kolohe-1420638937

Short Facts

Creed SUP

1031 Bay Boulevard
Chula Vista
CA 91911

Phone: +1 855-692-7333

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
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Stats (Metric)

274 cms / 9'0"
73.7 cms / 29"
11.4 cms / 4.5"
8.2 kg / 18 lbs
This is one of, if not the lightest 9 ft stand up paddle boards availabe. Coming in at under 19 lbs. Low volume, intended for either very experienced paddle boarders up to 190 lbs, or lighter, novice or better riders up to 160 lbs . The principal use for a larger rider on this SUP board is paddle surfing or sup training. For lighter riders, the board is a good maneuverable choice for progressing in all aspects of the sport; Flatwater touring, surfing, or training. Many of our customers , who may be more stable on a 10’ paddleboard, go with the 9’ in order to get a better workout, or for ease of storage and transport (these SUPs fit inside most hybrid / SUV’s). First timers at 145 lbs or less are normally able to quickly (1’st day of use) progress to a comfortable stability level on this high performance board.

The Kolohe (Hawaiian for rascal) is our smaller sleeker SUP, allowing for high performance and maneuverability (in and out of the water) Only 18 lbs! for lighter beginners, or for more advanced riders that want the maneuverability of a small SUP. Like all Creed SUP bamboo sandwich boards, this smaller SUP has an amazing weight to volume ratio, perfect rigidity/flex, and the great durability and beauty you find in our bamboo veneered boards with ultra-light foam.

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