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Short Facts

27085 Camino De Estrella #B
Capistrano Beach
CA 92624
Phone: +1 949 885 6753
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27085 Camino De Estrella #B
Capistrano Beach
CA 92624
Phone: +1 949 885 6753
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· Show all Corran products.
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PERFORMANCE NOSE RIDING The Nuts is one board that just defies explanation. But we’re going to try anyway. Think of the turning performance of a board a foot shorter than this, but all the paddling speed and nose riding ability of a longer one. That’s what this board is about. The template sweep and rocker of the back half of the board resemble a performance shortboard than a nose riding longboard. But the front end is all toes-on-the-nose. Concave bottom, leading into a double barrel center so you can stand all the way on the tip and glide to your hearts content. Looking for it all? Nuts delivers.
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