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Bali 10'6"

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Bali 10'6" - _bali-1451580005
Bali 10'6" - _bali2-1451580005
Bali 10'6" - _bali1ab-1451580005
Bali 10'6" - _bali2abc-1451580005
Bali 10'6" - _bali1a-1451580005
Bali 10'6" - _bali2ab-1451580005
Bali 10'6" - _bali1-1451580005

Short Facts


27085 Camino De Estrella #B
Capistrano Beach
CA 92624

Phone: +1 949 885 6753

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HASSLE FREE FAMILY FUN The beaches of Bali., the mountains of Peru; meandering rivers in Montana and pristine lakes in Italy. This is where the Bali truly shines. Roll it up into a convenient back pack and store it in your closet. Transport it on a public bus, or a bicycle. This is just the beginning of where the Bali shines. Once inflated, this stable, easy to use board is a dream to paddle, whether that’s for fitness, fishing, or the kids simply mucking about.

Pump it up to a sturdy but easy 15psi and this board is as fun as a hard shell board, with all the advantages of being able to roll it up. We’ve capped this off with our innovative flip-up skeg that means you can launch into the water with the back of the board beached (keeping feet dry in colder water) and paddle over shallow rocks without getting bumped off.

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