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Afterburner 2015

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Afterburner 2015 - _timthumb-1422954349

Short Facts


27085 Camino De Estrella #B
Capistrano Beach
CA 92624

Phone: +1 949 885 6753

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If you’re ready to turn your local class 2-3 river run into a real playground, then the Afterburner is what you’ve been waiting for! This board is made to slice and dice eddy lines, boof small drops, squirt through a slot onto a wave, splat a rock, and then keep moving down to the next bundle of fun.

For this to be a reality, a fine line between playfulness and ease needed to be achieved. Enough stability and forgiveness so you spend your time making moves, not climbing back on board, but zippy enough to make that good ol run exciting again.
The Afterburner is made from a combination of Kevlar and AeriliteX, giving you the maximum in strength to weight ratio, while keeping the board affordable. Comparted to fiberglass it’ll take a beating, though of course not like plastic nothing beats plastic for impact.

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