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Dart 14'0" Sigma

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Dart 14'0" Sigma - _dart-1384960894

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Fly like the wind. The ultimate downwind board. Welcome to the Dart. Catch all the wind bumps or enjoy a stable cruise. The square tail enhances stability while enabling “wave push” and the perfect amount of rocker prevents nose diving. The Dart is the head of it’s class.

• Red-Black – Carbon Kevlar model Comes with high-end, extra padded board bag for extra protection and longevity.

Designed by KND Naval architects, the Sigma Range is designed to take your riding to the next level. Whether its racing in the 12'6 class on the VISION, screaming downwind on the DART, touring and racing on the EDGE or finishing in 1st place on the TURBO, each board is designed to win while at the same time offering hours of fun and comfort.

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