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Adventure ISUP 11’0”
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A new Dimension in fun and performance with latest technology in ISUP construction, making this range the leader in adventure, touring and family fun. Includes Pump and repair kit
The adventure inflatable SUP comes inclusive of a seat, 3-piece paddle and a pump and repair kit. Our new and exclusive tent is an optional etra. Offers protection from the elements while remaining compact, rigid and sleek while camped on the banks of the river. Other options include a stowage bo, Gopro and Mounting Rods.
The adventure inflatable SUP comes inclusive of a seat, 3-piece paddle and a pump and repair kit. Our new and exclusive tent is an optional etra. Offers protection from the elements while remaining compact, rigid and sleek while camped on the banks of the river. Other options include a stowage bo, Gopro and Mounting Rods.
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