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The Mariner Kevlar

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The Mariner Kevlar - 6554_big_1274363285
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The Mariner Kevlar - 6554_fish_1274363286
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Short Facts

Clipper Canoes

1717 Salton Rd.

Phone: +1 (604) 853-9320

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
James van Nostrand
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
CAD 6500
Available Colors
Birch Bark, Sand, Yellow, White


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The Mariner was first built by Western Canoeing in the fall of 1991. Our chief designer, James van Nostrand created the design to complement the Voyageur and Montreal canoes. The Mariner features a shallow arch hull, moderate rocker and keelless bottom. Turns and maneuvers that are impossible in the larger canoes are easily accomplished in the Mariner.

The Mariner is ideal for a small group or large family. It will accommodate up to 8 paddlers, or easily carry three to five paddlers with camping gear for a one or two week trip. The Mariner has been paddled in a wide range of conditions. Its shallow arch hull and flared sides provide both good initial and secondary stability. The hull has several inches of rocker and is easy to maneuver. Its shallow draft allows it to be used in relatively low water levels in rivers and lakes.

The Mariner's flared ends provide great buoyancy resulting in a drier more stable ride in rough conditions. The Boy Scouts of Greater Los Angeles have a fleet of more than 16 Mariners and regularly circumnavigate Catalina Island, 28 miles off the California Coast.

Large canoes are often referred to as WAR Canoes, particularly in articles written in the early 1900's. Today we often refer to them as 'Big Canoes' encompassing the many 22'+ styles and shapes paddled in North America today.


Stern Height - 39"

Center Height: - 19"

Max # of Paddlers - 8

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