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Sea-1 Kevlar

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Sea-1 Kevlar - 6441_angle_1274353983
Sea-1 Kevlar - 6441_capacity_1274353983
Sea-1 Kevlar - 6441_side_1274353983
Sea-1 Kevlar - 6441_top_1274353983

Short Facts

Clipper Canoes

1717 Salton Rd.

Phone: +1 (604) 853-9320

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 3406 / CAD 3475
Available Colors
Jade, Yellow, Red, White, Blue, Sand

Stats (Metric)

541 cms / 17'9"
71.1 cms / 28"
25 kg / 55 lbs
An ideal wilderness sea-touring canoe/kayak hybrid. Can be paddled with either a canoe or kayak paddle.

An ideal wilderness sea-touring canoe/kayak hybrid. The Sea-1 can be paddled with either a canoe or kayak paddle. Features a large cockpit, 9.5' in length, which provides easy access to cargo. With a pronounce flare in the bow, the Sea-1 will rise and shed waves in even the most adverse of conditions.

The V-bottom hull design provides excellent tracking. The Sea-1 has built-in flotation in the bow and the stern. Other features include rudder (standard), molded plastic adjustable seat. A nylon spraydeck is available as an option.

Beam (@ 4"Waterline): 25 1/4"

Bow Height: 12.5"

Stern Height: 10.5"

Center Height:14.5"

Std Features:
Rudder, adjustable molded plastic seat, positive foam flotation in the bow and stern.


Gunnel covers, black trim package, wood trim package, foam thigh pads, wilderness lash system, contoured yoke, expedition spray skirt.

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