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11' Nautic Inflatable

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11' Nautic Inflatable

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

335 cms / 10'12"
78.7 cms / 31"
15.2 cms / 6"
The Inflatable SUP by CBC is lightweight and a convenient alternative to a standard foam or fiberglass SUP. Made up of three layered PVC coated and reinforced fabric and a mesh of very fine polyester threads, connects the skin on the deck to the skin of the hull.

This “Drop-Stitch” technique ensures that the board has a controlled shape and can be inflated to very high pressure for maximum rigidity and performance. A high-pressure 15 psi pump (supplied with the board) inflates the board to its correct pressure for maximum performance and glide. Easy to handle and travel with and stores in a convenient backpack, no roof racks needed!! Designed for paddlers of any weight or size.

Nearly indestructible and ding-proof. Long lasting UV-resistant materials.

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