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Malolo-Pro Racer Carbon 12'6"

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Malolo-Pro Racer Carbon 12'6"

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

381 cms / 12'6"
68 cms / 26.8"
16.3 cms / 6.4"
13.5 kg / 30 lbs
222 ltr / 58.6 gal
The 12’6” Malolo has all the features we loved about the winning Pro Racer shape but adds the necessary changes for the rapidly evolving sport of stand-up paddle racing. Tested in downwind, sprint and long distance racing formats, the 12’6” Malolo’s displacement nose, semi-rounded center and semi-vee tail give this board an incredible feel in all water. Look out for this board in the lead pack of a race near you.

Recommended for:
High performance racing in all conditions for intermediate and advanced riders up to 200 lbs (90 Kg).
Aspiring Waterman – 155 lbs. / Journeyman Waterman – 180 lbs, / Advanced Waterman – 220 lbs.

• In-deck handle for easy carrying
• Standard 10" center fin box
• Deck pad included
• Fin included
• Carbon Construction


Deck Pad – Manu - Bird. The traditional Polynesian metaphor for the canoe. Ocean birds are important to unlock the secrets of navigation on the water.

C4 Waterman’s new FeatherCore Composite line of SUPs is based on the rigorous refinement of the foam sandwich/composite structures to find the construction that best suits the unique needs of the next generation of high- performance stand-up paddleboards.

Our testing has found that deck and bottom wood veneer laminates provide the lightest, strongest ‘skin’ to complement our featherlight EPS-cored SUPs. These very thin veneer sheets are sandwiched between successive layers of fiberglass and epoxy resin and then pressure molded around the EPS core. This creates a sort of monocoque fuselage, much like an aircraft, in which the skin of the surfboard in effect becomes the stringer or stiffener.

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