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Eleu Paddleboard

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Eleu Paddleboard - 7470_01_1290789725
Eleu Paddleboard - 7470_02_1290789725
Eleu Paddleboard - 7470_EleuBW3_1276798862
Eleu Paddleboard - 7470_EleuBW4_1276798862

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Todd Bradley and Karel Tresnak
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 1366

Stats (Metric)

366 cms / 12'0"
50.6 cms / 19.9"
Maximum Paddler Weight
95.3 kg / 210 lbs
This 12' board is C4's answer for any waterman looking for a stock racing paddleboard. Originally designed by Todd Bradley and Karel Tresnak, the 'Eleu design has won more paddleboard races than any other stock board in the world. The Boardworks Eleu is not hollow, but the T.E.C. Thermal Epoxy Compression construction makes it light and strong.

T.E.C. Thermal Epoxy Compression technology
Dual Density Foam sandwich
Comes complete with deck pad and dagger fin
Floats paddlers up to 210 lbs

Thickness: 6 5/8"
Foam core, EPS

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