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XU2 Standard

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XU2 Standard - _cutout_1305353530

Short Facts


P.O. Box 2702
New Zealand

Phone: + 643 388 9033

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 4650

Stats (Metric)

732 cms / 24'0.2"
58 cms / 22.8"
The X-Factor Ultra 2 is our latest development which we believe dramatically improves our original double ski. The changes to the hull has given it a greater waterline to reduce washover on the sides. The deck has undergone major changes, now having a reduced bowlifter which will add to it's running speed in the chop. Also the deck has cleaner lines and the scalloping has been removed. Seating has been lowered to add greater stability to the craft. Comes standard with adjustable footwells front and back.

This ski will prove to be a winner.

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