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Short Facts

P.O. Box 2702
New Zealand
Phone: + 643 388 9033
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P.O. Box 2702
New Zealand
Phone: + 643 388 9033
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· Show all Brainwave products.
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 11615
Stats (Metric)
650 cms / 21'3.9"
218 cms / 7'1.8"
Based off the fastest offshore double ski, the Topcat is a step up from the Catapult, has great top end speed and increased turning ability. Its sharp bow increases flat water speed and boosts the performance coming home. With the extra volume to give lift over the waves you're going to find it's in a class of its own.
now come with venturies in each of the foot wells. this reduces the weight of water carried in the canoe.
now come with venturies in each of the foot wells. this reduces the weight of water carried in the canoe.
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