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Short Facts

P.O. Box 2702
New Zealand
Phone: + 643 388 9033
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P.O. Box 2702
New Zealand
Phone: + 643 388 9033
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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 3162
Stats (Metric)
579 cms / 18'12"
48 cms / 18.9"
This is our new and improved spec surf lifesaving ski. The back section of the ski has been redesigned, being wider and fuller with less rocker. With a greater flatter section the ski runs better on the way home and can link the runs together and has reduced the bottom drag effect on the way out. The front has remained the same so the exceptional lift and its ability to cut through the water has also remained .
The ski comes with 3 foot well options a single fixed foot well, an adjustable single foot well (these have a single venturie) and the standard double fixed foot well. In its first outing at the end of the 2008-9 surf season the F1 had great results getting a gold in the Ski relay and making the final of the open ski (NZ nationals).
The feedback is that we have finally nailed it, a stable and fast craft.
Our laminating system has now changed and we are now using vacuum infusion technology which gives a stiffer and more consistent lay up in both the hull and the deck. This has now given us the option of making stock boats, and add the desired foot well at the desired length to the completed boat. Our aim is to have several skis in stock so the lead time on orders should be the time it takes to fit the desired foot rest and other options. The basic colour option is white and a choice of coloured decals are available at an extra cost. Or we can personalise decals made using a photo laminating technology, so the sky is the limit. We can also do a personalised full gelcoat colour but the lead time will be longer.
The ski comes with 3 foot well options a single fixed foot well, an adjustable single foot well (these have a single venturie) and the standard double fixed foot well. In its first outing at the end of the 2008-9 surf season the F1 had great results getting a gold in the Ski relay and making the final of the open ski (NZ nationals).
The feedback is that we have finally nailed it, a stable and fast craft.
Our laminating system has now changed and we are now using vacuum infusion technology which gives a stiffer and more consistent lay up in both the hull and the deck. This has now given us the option of making stock boats, and add the desired foot well at the desired length to the completed boat. Our aim is to have several skis in stock so the lead time on orders should be the time it takes to fit the desired foot rest and other options. The basic colour option is white and a choice of coloured decals are available at an extra cost. Or we can personalise decals made using a photo laminating technology, so the sky is the limit. We can also do a personalised full gelcoat colour but the lead time will be longer.
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