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Catapult - _01_1305355682
Catapult - _05_1305355682
Catapult - _02_1305355682
Catapult - _06_1305355682
Catapult - _03_1305355682
Catapult - _04_1305355682

Short Facts


P.O. Box 2702
New Zealand

Phone: + 643 388 9033

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
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Stats (Metric)

650 cms / 21'3.9"
21.8 cms / 8.6"
This is a canoe for every club. Comes standard with adjustable footwells for all four seats. This craft is very stable and will suit every crew from the beginning crew through to the elite. Experience show that it can lift out through the surf well while still having good responsiveness on the wave. now come with venturies in each of the foot wells. this reduces the weight of water carried in the canoe.

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