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Micro Hipster

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Micro Hipster - _hipster-1419244588
Micro Hipster - _hipster1-1419244588

Short Facts


77 SE 2nd Ave.
Deerfeild Beach
FL 33441

Phone: +1 954 531-8752

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There is a reason the top surf schools recommend a soft top board when learning how to surf.
The boards are wrapped in 5MM of soft but tough EVA, making them not only super durable but safe for kids in the waves or during falls etc. This shape is also very versatile, while it makes a great small board for the kids, adult experienced SUP Surfers love this shape too, makes for the perfect beach break surf SUP.

Construction - Thermal Epoxy Mold, Double Stringer, PVC Fin Box, Full EVA wrap with slick bottom.

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