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All Arounder Wide 9'6"

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All Arounder Wide 9'6" - _psh4_1324313679

Short Facts


364 2nd Street Suite 1
CA 92024

Phone: +1 (760) 722-8536

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 1275

Stats (Metric)

290 cms / 9'6"
74.6 cms / 29.4"
158 ltr / 41.7 gal
Designed For:

Beginners to 180 lbs in Calm Conditions
Expert Level Paddler/Surfers to 250 lbs. This board is intended for both leisure paddling or performance surfing. The 9-6 Wide All Al rounder was designed for riders to explode off the bottom, smash off the top and still be able to perch up on the nose. This is a no nonsense design that can be taken out for a casual paddle for people up to 200 lbs easily.

Fins: 2 + 1 or Quad

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