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Night Heron

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Night Heron - boats_834-1
Night Heron - boats_834-3
Night Heron - boats_834-2

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment

Stats (Metric)

549 cms / 18'0.1"
51 cms / 20.1"
15.9 kg / 35 lbs
359.7 ltr / 95 gal
The Night Heron has a hard chined hull with a fair amount of volume in its convex shaped ends.

At 20 inches is fairly narrow and gets its initial stability from a flat hull design. It has good cruising speed and carved turns can be initiated with a slight lean. This boat has no trouble in rough water and its flat bottom makes it a good surfer. It has a low rear deck to facilitate easy rolling.

Further Specs:
• Waterline Length: 16.1 feet / 4.9 meters
• Waterline Beam: 19.6 inches / 49.8 cm
• Design Displacement: 251.0 lbs / 113.9 kg
• Wetted Area: 21.4 sq ft / 2.0 sq m

The weights are expressed in a light lay-up. Heavier lay-ups can be made depending on requirements.

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