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Blue Otter kayaks

Phone: +1 (778) 988-6442
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Phone: +1 (778) 988-6442
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· Show all Blue Otter kayaks products.
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Stats (Metric)
518 cms / 16'11.9"
53 cms / 20.9"
15.9 kg / 35 lbs
351.2 ltr / 92.8 gal
The Guillemot has been designed as an all round boat that performs well in a variety of conditions.
The hull has a moderate amount of rocker with a flat bottom with moderately hard chines. This gives the boat its nimbleness, through a variety of conditions. Beginners may find this boat difficult to paddle in a straight line, but with a practiced stroke it tracks well. The moderately hard chines facility edging and its low deck lines prevent the boat from being blown around in the wind. The concaves front and back give this boat a ‘classic’ elegant look.
Further Specs:
• Waterline Length: 14.7 feet / 4.5 meters
• Waterline Beam: 20.7 inches / 52.6 cm
• Design Displacement: 214 lbs / 97.1 kg
• Wetted Area: 19.5 sq ft / 1.8 sq m
The weights are expressed in a light lay-up. Heavier lay-ups can be made depending on requirements.
The hull has a moderate amount of rocker with a flat bottom with moderately hard chines. This gives the boat its nimbleness, through a variety of conditions. Beginners may find this boat difficult to paddle in a straight line, but with a practiced stroke it tracks well. The moderately hard chines facility edging and its low deck lines prevent the boat from being blown around in the wind. The concaves front and back give this boat a ‘classic’ elegant look.
Further Specs:
• Waterline Length: 14.7 feet / 4.5 meters
• Waterline Beam: 20.7 inches / 52.6 cm
• Design Displacement: 214 lbs / 97.1 kg
• Wetted Area: 19.5 sq ft / 1.8 sq m
The weights are expressed in a light lay-up. Heavier lay-ups can be made depending on requirements.
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