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RAD (Radical Aerial Device) 175
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RD 2
New Zealand
Phone: +64 6 388 1445
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The R.
A.D. (Radical Aerial Device) is our new revolutionary freestyle weapon, offering unparalleled performance and comfort in such a short compact design. The unique wide low hung tail boasts the biggest design advancement in hull technology for many years, providing incredible speed, looseness and stability which must be experienced to be believed. As the name suggests, with it's smooth forgiving lines this boat is designed for huge air yet still remains a fantastic conventional cartwheeler but prehaps best of all is still an extremly capable little river runner. Strap in and be amazed!
For the smaller paddler, this is going to be a favourite.
User reviews
Bliss-stick rad 175 great boat for surfing.
About the reviewer
Haven't been paddling long but this boat definitely boosted my skills up a lot of levels.Test environment
Level 2-4 rapids.Review
This is a great boat. Great for surfing, executing good tricks and practically doing them for you. Glad I paddle this boat - I have no regrets - worth every bit of its money - money well spent.Conclusion
The greatest boat for me will still be the Rad for a long time.Review
Age: 17
Weight: 80 kgs
Nice boat
I've padlled the RAD 175 for nearly a year and can give a good account of what the boat would be like for a medium level paddler.
I really like the shape of the hull - it bounces nicely and carves well and is really fast on the wave. This can be a problem for beginners as I have learned because it is hard to stay in control on small or fast waves, it takes a lot of practise to get the feel for it.
The outfitting in the boat has problems, the elastic on my backband tore recently, the seat will need to be tightened to the max to stop it moving and the footrests are nothing special. The ratchtets also rust but mine are still working so they're not too bad.
My boat has a habit of leaving in water and I have tried a few decks on it and it is still happening, maybe putting rubber washers on the seals might help?.
Also, compared to many of the new playboats this kayak weighs a ton, which must lower your chance at big aerials.
When I first bought this boat I couldn't even flat spin. After a summer surfing ocean waves I learned to air blunt and donkeyflip, you will probabaly improve quickly with this boat, it pushes you to work it. It spins like a dream on river waves and is good fun on the rivers as well but warning: be careful coming off drops because if you hit a rock the hit goes straight through the front underplastic takes go straight to your feet, OUCH!
Hope this helped,
Age: 15
Weight: 65 kgs
Short testrun on flatwater(RAD 175)
About myself
Im a starting paddler, ussually paddle a Riot Dominatrix 41
About the test environment
I tested the boat at a kayak-fair at harderwijk last weekend, it was mostly flatwater, but a wavebox was installed.
I really liked paddling the boat, it is very comfortable(can stretch my legs inside the boat yay!) and cartwheels very easilly. the ends are very stable and it rolls very quick.
I think I'm getting this boat:D
It's amazing!
Age: 15
Weight: 70 kgs