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A'u 14'

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A'u 14'

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

427 cms / 14'0"
73.7 cms / 29"
15.2 cms / 6"

• The A'u is the future of SUP touring!

• Our nose fin design slices through the water and is tolerant of different strokes.

• It easily turns on a dime when you apply weight just behind the center of the board.

• The progressive secondary stability increases muscle memory, allows your legs to relax, and prevent fatigue

• The deck is low, allowing wind to slip over and lessens drift from your intended course.

• You need to paddle it and feel the difference

Material: Vacuum bagged Epoxy ad fiberglass (or Carbon Fiber) construction with real bamboo for durability

Moving on the A'u is actually more stable for cross-steping - Fern W

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