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Scout SUP 10'8

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Scout SUP 10'8 - 11793_2015_1325096867
Scout SUP 10'8 - _666_1325091955

Short Facts

Bic Sport

ZI du Prat -BP 03716
Vannes Cedex
56 000

Phone: +33 2 97 43 75 00

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 1299.95

Stats (Metric)

325 cms / 10'8"
80 cms / 31.5"
14.1 kg / 31 lbs
190 ltr / 50.2 gal
Delivering the same versatility as our Classic series but in a more performance surf-inspired design. Constructed with clear EPS to reveal the quality core materials and real wood stringer. Relatively short, wide shapes provide stability while maintaining flatwater glide and superb handling in waves. The combination of flat deck and low rails assures maximum rider comfort and lots of speed while surfing. Featuring a progressive "thruster" fin configuration which is adaptable for flatwater paddling (center fin only) and wave performance (2+1 fin set-up).

Fin: US Box Glass 9" + FCS M5 side
Shaper: Peter Hosking

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