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LB Nose Superfrog 9'2

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LB Nose Superfrog 9'2 - _6_1325781345
LB Nose Superfrog 9'2 - _2_1325781345

Short Facts

Bic Sport

ZI du Prat -BP 03716
Vannes Cedex
56 000

Phone: +33 2 97 43 75 00

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 799.95

Stats (Metric)

279 cms / 9'2"
57.2 cms / 22.5"
The completely new Superfrog longboard series is a cocktail of traditional shapes and more modern ideas. They have all been shaped by Gérard Dabbadie.

The 9'2 sits squarely in the longboard tradition, its classic lines giving you a "pure longboard" ride including knee-drop turns and other noseriding moves. For 2012 BIC Sport is launching a new range of surf boards, the SUPERFROG. Designed by top class shapers, they're made with a new light weight Epoxy/fibreglass laminated polystyrene core. This technique differs from the more traditional polyester/fibreglass around a polyurethane core by being much lighter and having vastly superior mechanical qualities, delivering a much better feel on the water.

Shaper:Gerard Dabbadie
Fin set up: 2+1 (1 US box 20cm + 2 FCS GL)

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