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Rob Roy 13

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Rob Roy 13 - 10018_130RobRoy_1289571975
Rob Roy 13 - 10018_RobRoy06_1289571976
Rob Roy 13 - 10018_RobRoy03_1289571975
Rob Roy 13 - 10018_RobRoy07_1289571976
Rob Roy 13 - 10018_RobRoy04_1289571975
Rob Roy 13 - 10018_RobRoy01_1289571975
Rob Roy 13 - 10018_RobRoy05_1289571976
Rob Roy 13 - 10018_RobRoy02_1289571975

Short Facts

Bear Mountain

1786 Matchett Line
ON K9J 6Y3

Phone: +1 (705) 740-0470

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Ted Moores
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 85

Stats (Metric)

392 cms / 12'10.5"
68.6 cms / 27"
62.2 cms / 24.5"
15.9 kg / 35 lbs
A classic double paddle solo canoe.

The Bear Mountain Boat Shop 1993
Designed by Ted Moores 1992
Redrawn by Steve Killing 1999

Truly the poor mans yacht, the origin of the Rob Roy goes back to England and the mid 1800's. John MacGregor, after seeing our native birch bark canoes and the Eskimo kayak, designed his idea of an efficient cruising canoe, calling it the Rob Roy. Typical of this type of solo canoe were: length 12' to 15', propelled with a double blade paddle from a sitting position and often rigged for sail. Early American canoe builders like J. Henry Rushton and W.P. Stephens were influenced by this style. Until the early 1900's, American recreational canoeing was dominated by the double paddle canoe.

This hull design has been built in many versions, from a simple light weight fast cruising canoe, to a full decked version of bookmatched walnut veneer, with sliding seat, foot rest, floorboards and hand rubbed varnish. There are many possibilities of how this canoe may be trimmed and fit out.

· Beam gunnel: 27"
· Bow height: 17"
· Centre depth: 10.2"
· Draft: 4"
· Displacement: 210 lbs.
· Wetted surface: 16.6 sq.ft.
· Weight to immerse: 79 lb/in
· Prismatic coefficient: 0.535

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