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Champlain 16

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Short Facts

Bear Mountain

1786 Matchett Line
ON K9J 6Y3

Phone: +1 (705) 740-0470

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 85

Stats (Metric)

488 cms / 16'0"
82.6 cms / 32.5"
22.7 kg / 50 lbs
The Champlain High-ender, built by the Peterborough Canoe Company, was one of their most popular designs. Originally built in cedar/canvas, it appeared in their final catalogue of 1961. The Champlain Lowender, with less height in the ends, was built on the same mold. A good traditional style general purpose recreational canoe. Features a moderate displacement, soft bilge and moderate rocker - paddles well in the 'heeled over' position. Ideal for recreational paddling (solo or tandem) and light tripping.

. Beam w/l: 29.5"
. Beam gunnel: 31.5"
. Bow height: 26"
. Centre Depth: 13.5"
. Draft: 4"
. Displacement: 325 lbs.
. Wetted surface: 24.5 sq.ft.
. Weight to immerse: 94 lb/in
. Prismatic coefficient: 0.557
. Keel-less or shoe keel
. Weight: 45 to 55 lbs.

The Bear Mountain Boat Shop 1993
Drawn by Ted Moores, Aug. 1993
Redrawn by Steve Killing, 1999

All our full size canoe plans include the following:
• Full-size drawings showing the profile, plan and section shape of the hull.
• Full size plans for the mold stations.
• Full size plans for stem molds.
• The booklet 'Building a Bear Mountain Style Canoe'
• Epoxyworks newsletter
• WEST SYSTEM® technical manual

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