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12' Turflite
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Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Joe Bark
Construction & Material
Available Colors
Yellow, Gray
Stats (Metric)
366 cms / 12'0"
BARK teamed up with surf and paddle industry leader Surftech to produce a line of boards constructed utilizing their unrivaled Tuflite technology- the ultimate in performance and durability. Joe’s designs, coupled with Surftech’s advanced composite sandwich fabrication, yield boards that are not only light and durable, but are also proven performers.
In order to fit the broadest range of athlete sizes, paddling styes, and water conditions, Joe applied his most versatile 12-foot outline and rocker templates. Knee paddle or surf-style prone paddle this proven, durable, all conditions stock.
In order to fit the broadest range of athlete sizes, paddling styes, and water conditions, Joe applied his most versatile 12-foot outline and rocker templates. Knee paddle or surf-style prone paddle this proven, durable, all conditions stock.
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