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MVP 9'0

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MVP 9'0 - 11254_badfish-mvp-90-1429618457

Short Facts


CO 81201

Phone: +18005190805

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

274 cms / 9'0"
91.4 cms / 36"
21 cms / 8.3"
Minimum Paddler Weight
45.4 kg / 100 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
102.1 kg / 225 lbs
Running rivers on SUP boards has been a growing curiosity for inland paddling enthusiasts for a few years now. However, SUP has earned the moniker “fall down paddling” from paddlers for the simple reason that boards shaped for the ocean or flatwater just don’t perform in moving water environments. Paddling whitewater rivers is all about dealing with opposing hydraulic forces, from running through holes and wave trains to crossing boiling eddy fences, paddling whitewater requires a craft that can remain stable in a chaotic environment. The Mountain Valley Paddleboard (MVP) takes the best of whitewater kayak design and combines it with Badfish’s 4 years of experience creating river surfing boards into the next level of whitewater stand up board. The MVP has a kayak style chine that is forgiving in eddy turns and ferries while the shedding, high volume nose punches holes like a kayak. These characteristics are blended into a board that will rip river waves like all Badfish boards, because if you are stand up paddling…you are eventually going to want to surf. The 9’0″ MVP is short enough to fit into small eddies and pivot quickly, but the stability in whitewater has allowed this board to win some whitewater races despite its short length. The stability and unique design of the MVP also instills confidence in new paddlers as the progress from flat water to easy moving water.

We think this board will be the go to board for river based stand up paddlers and help push the progression of river SUP.

• Standing Area: 6 1/4″
• Fiberglass epoxy resin
• high quality eps blanks
• 1 year factory warranty

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