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MVP 10'6
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Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Stats (Metric)
320 cms / 10'6"
83.8 cms / 33"
13.2 cms / 5.2"
207 ltr / 54.7 gal
Maximum Paddler Weight
117.9 kg / 260 lbs
We have talked to so many paddlers that are looking for the one stand up paddleboard that can do it all. Badfish shaper Zack Hughes met that challenge with the 10’6″ MVP.
The 10’6″ incorporates design elements that make the 9’0″ MVP the choice for serious river SUP, in a more traditional package. The chine on the rail and higher volume nose provide stability in rougher water, while maximizing glide in flatwater and keeping a narrower bottom cross section for surfing.
The 10’6″ incorporates design elements that make the 9’0″ MVP the choice for serious river SUP, in a more traditional package. The chine on the rail and higher volume nose provide stability in rougher water, while maximizing glide in flatwater and keeping a narrower bottom cross section for surfing.
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