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Wave II 9'2"

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Wave II 9'2" - 13234_wave2b-1377882303
Wave II 9'2" - 13234_wave2-1377882303
Wave II 9'2" - 13234_wave2a-1377882303

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Steven Tyau
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

279 cms / 9'2"
74.3 cms / 29.3"
12.1 cms / 4.8"
The combination of a swallow tail with the round longboard like nose make this board great for breaking the lines and maneuvering on the wave, as well as making the classic walk the nose routine. The extra rocker ads to the ease to entry the waves in any condition of surfing. This shorter version of our 9'9" Wave is the ideal board for smaller waves and making a lot of turns.

Fin Set Up: 1+4

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