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Round Nose 8'11
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Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Terry Chung
Stats (Metric)
272 cms / 8'11"
71.8 cms / 28.3"
12.1 cms / 4.8"
130 ltr / 34.3 gal
Tail round pin with a round toe, soft and deep concave V bottom. Very sturdy plank. Good for paddling in calm waters and surf online with maneuvers and exchange edge. Level: Advanced
Fins: Future Fins, options in mono, tri and quadriquilha.
Note: Corresponding Shipping charges are applicable if product is to be shipped.
Fins: Future Fins, options in mono, tri and quadriquilha.
Note: Corresponding Shipping charges are applicable if product is to be shipped.
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