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Performer 9'0"

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Performer 9'0" - _performer-1446448163

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Dewey Weber
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The Performer is the most popular longboard model of all time. We’ve used Dewey’s original template to make an exact replica of the 1967 design. Dewey & Iggy designed this board to meet the needs of every surfer in all conditions. It's one the best paddling boards you'll find & it turns incredibly well for as wide as it is. Remember, Dewey was the ‘Father of Hot-dogging’ & this board was designed in the mid 60’s with performance in mind. But it is also one of the world’s best noseriders! Its pinched 60/40 rail offers the forgiveness of a soft rail but much better performance than the 50/50 rails of the early 60’s. For its class (traditional soft rail single fin), you won’t find a better board out there.

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