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Nose Rider 10'3"

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Nose Rider 10'3" - 14998_nr103-1446446123
Nose Rider 10'3" - 14998_nr103surf1a-1446446123
Nose Rider 10'3" - 14998_bamtech-1446446123
Nose Rider 10'3" - 14998_nr103surf1ab-1446446123
Nose Rider 10'3" - 14998_nr103surf-1446446123
Nose Rider 10'3" - 14998_nr103surf1-1446446123

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Steve Tyau
Construction & Material


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This Stand Up Paddle board shape was inspired on Hawaiian longboards, with a round pin for good long lines and a little extra nose rocker to make some steep drops, but not too much, so you can still walk the nose like no other board!! Level: Intermediate (up to 75kg/165lb) / Advanced (up to 85kg/187lb)

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