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Art in Surf Matero Race 12'6" x 26"

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Art in Surf Matero Race 12'6" x 26" - _maestroa-1446484228
Art in Surf Matero Race 12'6" x 26" - _maestro1acons-1446484228
Art in Surf Matero Race 12'6" x 26" - _maestro1a-1446484228
Art in Surf Matero Race 12'6" x 26" - _maestro1-1446484228
Art in Surf Matero Race 12'6" x 26" - _maestro-1446484228
Art in Surf Matero Race 12'6" x 26" - _maestro1ab-1446484228

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

381 cms / 12'6"
63.5 cms / 25"
20.3 cms / 8"
254 ltr / 67.1 gal
The Art in Surf 12'6 Matero is the result of team work of Art in Surf, with renowned brazilian shaper Neco Carbone and the top brazilian paddler Alessandro Matero. Ideal for those looking for performance and speed.
Favorite board of our race athletes.

Level: Intermediary / Advanced to 90kg

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