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Double Winger 7'10

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Double Winger 7'10 - _doublewinger-1380361046
Double Winger 7'10 - _flyerconstruction-1380361046
Double Winger 7'10 - 13344_doublewinger1-1380361256

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 1,259.00

Stats (Metric)

239 cms / 7'10"
71.1 cms / 28"
10.6 cms / 4.2"
90 ltr / 23.8 gal
High Performance SUP board. For surfers that are looking to make radical moves. This board was designed to break the line, and maneuver with speed. This board is a step into the future of SUP. We recommend this board for experienced surfers and kids! - Fin Set Up: 1+4

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