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Explorer Family 630

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Explorer Family 630 - 7523_1_1277128297
Explorer Family 630 - 7523_3_1277128297
Explorer Family 630 - 7523_2_1277128297

Short Facts


ul. Armii Krajowej 1

Phone: +48 58 347 79 22

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
An expedition three-seated kayak with a powerful and rigid structure. There are two seats for adults and the middle one suitable for a child. Designed to travel on various waters. Very capacious, safe and comfortable for all three kayakers. The middle cockpit can be used as an extra storage space, protected by the transport cover will be safe from water and you gain an additional storage room. The model has broadened our offer in 2007.

It is the right choice for a family of three, that likes spending time on the water. The middle cockpit is a safe place for your four-legged friend. The Family will make it possible to take your family with full luggage to the polish Mazuria Region, the Swedish archipelagos and the Norwegian fiords.

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