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Aqua Spirit 530

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Aqua Spirit 530 - 7511_1_1277119575
Aqua Spirit 530 - 7511_2_1277119575
Aqua Spirit 530 - 7511_3_1277119575

Short Facts


ul. Armii Krajowej 1

Phone: +48 58 347 79 22

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
A simple universal kayak, suited for various waters – from rivers to seas. Kayak does not have a rudder, even as an option. One big storage compartment allows to take the kayak for a short trip. Good nimbleness and easy handling are also one of the Spirit’s advantages.

Its target group is very wide, due to a very universal usage of the Spirit. On the other hand it is a kayak hanging between different categories – it’s not a typical sea kayak as it has no rudder or rigging, but it is neither a standard inland kayak as its length makes it hard to maneuver on narrow rivers.

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