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Tsunami Classica
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Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
EUR 2100
Stats (Metric)
599 cms / 19'7.8"
42 cms / 16.5"
12.5 kg / 28 lbs
This model was built in 2001, in 2002 was the first non-American to participate in outrigger world championship and also with an Italian athlete. After the tests we made a boat in the Mediterranean carbon divided into two to send it by plane to Hawaii, with John De Francesco achieved excellent 7th place in category 19/29 years, in fact, the local press (Honolulu Adviser) there devotes a large space with an article dedicated to this small company. Today is the outrigger more prevalent in Europe and although no longer competitive at high levels, is always a great project, easy, and with a possibility of use in all conditions. The small size makes it portable to mid-sized car. Today is more suitable for the canoe began to approach the sport.
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