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Sabertooth 12 Featured

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Sabertooth 12 - _playak-supzero-2013-10-15-at-2-01-45-pm-1381839524
Sabertooth 12 - _playak-supzero-2013-10-15-at-2-02-01-pm-1381839524
Sabertooth 12 - _playak-supzero-2013-10-15-at-2-02-25-pm-1381839524

Short Facts


2021 E. Wilson Lane
ID 83642

Phone: +1 800-247-3432

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

381 cms / 12'6"
168 cms / 5'6"
73.7 cms / 29"
Primary purpose: Going big R2 style.
Secondary purpose: Packing for light multi-day trips.

The Sabertooth is a frameless cataraft packed with unique features:

Dimensions – (Be sure the click on the wireframe for all dims) The Sabertooth is aprox 12.5’ x 5.5’ with a wild, 29” kick. The overall shape and size is big enough for two people with light gear and is perfect for big rivers or small creeks. The bow and stern rise eats up whitewater and crawls over nasty waves and holes (so you can go big!) The kick makes this sporty 12.5’ boat feel and maneuver more like a 10.5’ boat.

Tube design – The Sabertooth is built with four true AIREcells. Each tube has two Airecells that come up into the crosspieces, which makes the boat solid and sturdy.

Floor Design – By raising the crosspieces, we raised the floor so it won't drag or catch in the water. The floor is constructed with heavy duty PVC mesh that drains instantly and doesn’t stretch. The floor also comes with build in foot cups and a removable foam piece. The foam piece provides knee protection for those who prefer to R2 in a stride position over the optional thwart.

Optional Thwart – A thwart can be added to the Sabertooth to provide additional bracing options.

Handle placement – The Sabertooth is 80 lbs and comes with 4 handles. The handles are positioned in the interior bow and stern so two people can easy pick up and transport the boat.

Other Standard Features:
• The Sabertooth will be stocked in Orange and White
• USA built
• 4 - AIREcells
• 6 - D-Rings
• 2- D-Ring Handles
• Continuous Curve for seamless bottom
• Welded
• Double Zipper
• 10 year warranty

Tube Diameter: 20.5"
Air Chambers: 4
Base Fabric: 1670
Waterline: 93"
Material Weight Oz/Yd: 35/43
Thwarts: 1 optional

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