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Cougar Featured

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Cougar - 10425_Picture649_1294041501

Short Facts


2021 E. Wilson Lane
ID 83642

Phone: +1 800-247-3432

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 3,999.99
Available Colors
Blue, Dark Purple, Green, Red, Yellow

Stats (Metric)

549 cms / 18'0"
Due to an overwhelming amount of customer requests, AIRE will be reproducing a limited run of 2011 Cougars. This cataraft was a true AIRE classic, which was discontinued sometime ago. The boaters have made their point clear and we need to give them what they want: The AIRE Cougar! The Cougar is truly a formidable big water craft. Due to its unique “quad-tube” design, the Coug has many strong performance attributes. With a shallow draft, low profile, great tracking, über-stable platform and unmatched load capacity, this boat has much to offer. This cat has proven its excellence worldwide, including traversing the class V North Fork Payette, hauling large game in wild Alaska and acting as a cozy vehicle for Grand Canyon expeditions.

We will only be releasing a limited pack of Cougars into the wild this coming season. This Cat Boat can be ordered in any standard AIRE color and by itself, or as a package with a frame. However, it will be necessary to do this before March 31, 2011. No Cougar orders will be accepted after this ordering deadline.

Tube Diameter: 18"
Bow/Stern Rise: 20"
Waterline: 124"
Load Capacity: A Lot
Air Chambers: 4

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