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Agility Skills Spin M

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Agility Skills Spin M - _4-1333871305
Agility Skills Spin M - _2-1333871305
Agility Skills Spin M - _3-1333871305
Agility Skills Spin M - _1-1333871305

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Habazie Team, Michal Wrzal, Agility Skills
Construction & Material


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Our main aim developin Spin, was to create a playboat that will allow and support its paddler preparing as well new-school as old-school moves. It was designed with help of top Polish freestylers. Refining prototype took us almost a year. Its official premiere took place in December 2011. Thanks to its design and increased volume at the cockpit, it allows you to easily do cartwheels and fly really high. Performing Mc Nasty's or Phoenix Monkeys was never so easy before. Spin supports your moves and helps you to stick it properly.

It is offered together with strong carbon seat (K1) laminated to the bottom and sides of the boat. Every boat comes with Immersion Research backband.

We offer you customing Spin's volume for a specified weight of the paddler (free of charge).
You can also choose a design of your boat. Every design is different and will be an additional cost. Contact us to get more info.

Spin is produced in Carbon Vacuum + standard.
It is made with high quality carbon (reinforced twill tow as an inside layer). Hot cured.

Agility Skills is the first brand in history that adopted its experiences gained developing kayak polo gear into freestyle products. Thanks to these innovations we managed to create a boat that is probably the most stiff and durable composite freestyle kayak in the world.

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